Heavy-duty construction and mining equipment rely on fresh lubricant to flush contaminants from critical pivot points. An automatic lubrication system from Graco provides continuous lube replenishment, reducing expensive component failures to keep your equipment working.
Electric pumps for heavy duty automatic lubrication and transfer systems.
- Auto Fill Shut Off - mechanical shut off of fill pump for clean and efficient refill.
- Graco Advantage Drive - heavy duty gear drive - lubed for life.
- Tube-in-tube vent and fill path - convert drum to injector system instantly.
- Vent valve mounted directly to pump - no more brackets or extra hoses and pipes.
- Motor control - speed and AMP control.
- Cold weather performance (-40°C).
- More efficient seal replacement.
- Remote Fill Manifold with Vent (with built in pressure gauge) allows you to conveniently locate the fill port where you want it.